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Key Concept 1

Student-Centered Learning

education, school, teamwork, gesture and

1.1     Candidates will be able to design meaningful activities and learning experiences that incorporate the guiding principles of Universal Design for Learning and appropriate technology tools and resources.

ED 602 UDL Lesson Plan Project and Reflection

In ED 602, Learner-Centered Education, we explored the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and methods to address multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression. For a class project, I redesigned a lesson on the Blues using the CAST lesson builder format to incorporate the principles of UDL and address the variability of the learner. With the Understanding by Design (UbD) template, the Why, What, and How of learning stimulated interest and motivation for learning, presented information and content in different ways, and differentiated the ways that students could express what they knew. Within the lesson, I used Keyboards, Guitars, and iPads to expose the students to appropriate technology tools.

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1.2     Candidates will be able to apply a learner-centered framework, including learner-centered principles, to the development of learning activities.

ED 602 Learner-Centered Practice

In ED 602, Learner-Centered Education, we explored the learner-centered framework and the 14 Learner-Centered Principles for use in the development of learning materials.   For my learner-centered project, I submitted a photo essay that highlighted each of the 4 domains of learner-centered principles as they were evidenced in my school environment. The reflection at the end of the essay describes how the teaching and learning activities within the school are developed to respond to the needs of the whole person/cura personalis.

1.3     Candidates will be able to design learning opportunities that facilitate creative problem solving, communication, collaboration and critical thinking.

Et 660 Digital Innovation Pilot Project (DIPP)

In ET 660, Innovative Digital Schools, we explored the effectiveness, practices, theory, and framework of deeper learning and innovation and how schools are integrating digital technology to transform teaching and learning.  For my digital innovation pilot project, I created a syncopation hyperdoc for my 7th grade general music class that promoted the four C’s of 21st century learning. After being introduced to the musical concept of syncopation, students were tasked with creating a two-measure syncopation pattern collaboratively in small groups. The groups recorded their patterns and the class evaluated whether syncopation was present using critical thinking while posting their individual thoughts on Padlet. Upon regrouping, the students reflected on the feedback they received and modified their patterns if needed. The final stage of the lesson consisted of the class voting on which patterns to include in the accompaniment to the song they were going to perform for the Winter Concert.

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1.4     Candidates model and promote diversity, cultural understanding, and global awareness by using digital-age communication and collaboration tools to interact locally and globally.

ET 630 Digital Democracy Project

In ET 630, Digital Communication for Educators, we explored ways to use digital communication technology in classrooms for collaborative and global learning. A major project for this class was a paper written collaboratively with four other students from my cohort.  Titled, Digital Democracy in the Classroom from Pre-Kindergarten through Graduation, the paper includes a sample lesson for making global connections in Special Education.  The lesson culminates with students making connections with and communicating with those they have researched or found interest in through online PenPals. The Telacollaborative Planner is an online globally collaborative project that allows students to share photos with brief explanations of their daily lives and learn about the day-to-day lives of other children their age all over the world. A lesson idea is developed in Global Connections - Music, where students would interact with students in The Gambia via Skype and/or youTube videos to share information about drumming in their countries and the role music plays in their everyday life. All of these artifacts highlight the use of technology to connect students with others to interact with people from other cultures. These interactions promote diversity, cultural understanding, and global awareness in students through the sharing of relevant to the lives of the students.

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